Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bondi Beach Feb 1-2

Today we were beach bums. We weren't the only ones on the beach. Hundreds of people were enjoying the sun in all sorts of ways…even topless…hmmm. Brave souls! The whole day was spent hanging at Bondi Beach attempting to get a tan. Luke swam in the ocean and did some body surfing. Phillip and Casta splashed around while Calesta barely got her feet wet. Gallons of sunblock later we were successful in achieving somewhat of a tan. We realized pretty quickly what spots we missed. We all have random designs of red patches. This whole trip we have been in search of the cheapest beer…we finally found it! $3.50 beers and happy hour! Wooohoo!

So our hostel…. Phillips grand pick! Lamrock Lodge…the name should have given it away but it didn't stop us. This place is located about five minutes from the beach sweet right? Well here's the kicker. Its about 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit and surprisingly humid here. The hostel rooms were a 10 x 10 space cooled with one portable fan that did a great job recirculating the muggy air from our rooms. Casta and Calesta never understood how and why men complained about being sweaty while sleeping due to having the temperature turned up in the winter. Lets just say that they have a new found respect for sweat yourself to sleep! Miserable. After two nights of hell we decided to check out. In the end we lost money because we had to prepay for the rooms but it was well worth the move to another hostel. Fancy this! The new hostel has air-conditioning! We have moved away from the beach and into the red light district…could be an interesting night :)

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